Welcome to Green Mama Monologues

Sunday, September 25, 2011
Hi everyone! Welcome to my second blog, Green Mama Monologues. I've been wanting to launch this new blog for months now but didn't get around to it until now because life as a mom of three is just really hectic. I've prepared this blog for a couple of weeks already but got to do this welcome post only now. Welcome to this blogs' first official post. Yippee!

So, who's the Green Mama and what is this blog all about? You can click the Who's the Green Mama page tab to learn more about that. Basically, though, I wanted another blog that had a niche because my first blog is more about parenting and children in general. Since my family and I have also made a conscious effort to try and live a greener, more sustainable life, I decided it would be a great idea to document that. For us, it hasn't always been easy to choose the greener choices because sometimes it would be more expensive. For a one-income family, we most often have to choose the cheaper alternative so that we can purchase more with our money. However, having children, I have come to realize that our decisions doesn't always have to be based on what's good for now but most importantly on what's good for the future. Definitely, we want our kids to live in a greener world, where they can breathe cleaner air and eat healthier food, etc. I have also realized that in the long run, we actually save more by choosing the more greener choice. So, little by little we are changing our ways in order to make the world a better place (cliche much?). 

In this blog, I will write about all things green and natural. I wish to be able to write about our entire journey to living green. I may feature products we use or stores we visit. In the future, I hope to be able to review (paid or unpaid) new green products and maybe do some giveaways as well. Definitely, I will feature events and other noteworthy environmental issues and current events. Mostly, I wish to be able to help and inspire other families wishing to be greener as well. In the end, even if I inspire just one, that one person may inspire others and that will make a ripple effect. Here's hoping that we will make a positive impact on the world. So, join us on our exciting journey to living a greener, more natural life. 


Icar said...

wow!congrats on this new blog!

i salute you in this advocate, because as a new mom to an 8month old daughter, i became more conscious of all these things as well when i became a parent...

cheers to us moms!

more power to you and your blog..

Icar of http://oflimesandlemons.blogspot.com/

Lei said...

Janice, so happy to stumble upon your blog - congrats! Keep on writing :) I am loving it!

Dr Lei - Caleb's mom

PS: Thanks for supporting my Ecostore's contest! Blessings to you :)

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